Fiber Arts Center AZ - Call for Art

12x12 Fundraiser

This call is open to all members for 2D and 3D works that measure 12in x 12in.  Pieces need to be ready to hang or display.  They do not need to be framed.  Include a label on the backside of the piece with the title and name of the artist.  This exhibition may be displayed online at and at locations to be determined, including the annual Friendsgiving event.  All artworks will be held for one year or until sold.  All artworks will be for sale at a price of $150 exactly, no more, no less.  50% of the sale will go to the artist and 50% to support FAC.  Three entries per artist will be allowed.  We may only display one piece per artist at a time depending on available space.


This exhibition/fundraiser may be shown online and in multiple venues.  It will be shown in person at the Friendsgiving event and others as determined.

2022 Calendar

  • September 1-30 - call for entry open

  • October 1 - Notification of Acceptance by email

  • By October 15 - receive artwork, specific drop off dates DBT

  • October 15, 2025 - September 30, 2026 - exhibition/s

  • September 2026 - return of artwork

Size Requirements

  • 2D 12in x 12in x depth of 1in

  • 3D 12in x 12in x 12in; dimensions may vary with a maximum of 12in in any direction.

Exhibition Coordinator

Shelley Ann Rothgeb Should you need clarification, contact Shelley at

Additional Requirements


  • Digital images must be saved as a high-quality JPEG or JPG file (No TIFF files). Do not include your name or initials in the filename (title is ok). 

  • Finished images should be at least 2100 pixels on the longest side and not more than 4200 pixels. 

  • Files should NOT exceed more than 12 MB per file for 2D submissions, 8 MB for 3D submissions (form max is 25 MB).  Files of 3-7MB are usually satisfactory quality.

All accepted entries may be photographed in the gallery by the FAC or it’s representative.



Artists are responsible for shipping costs and insurance to Fiber Arts Center’s receiving location.  Artist will be responsible for cost of return shipping.  Hand delivery and pick up will be available. Detailed shipping information will be provided.


Fiber Arts Center Arizona will insure the artworks during the exhibitions. Additionally, the venues will provide insurance. While on their premises, venue insurance coverage remains in effect.


Artwork sold will pay a 50% commission to Fiber Arts Center AZ.


You will be asked to agree with these terms and conditions. "I agree to loan my artwork to Fiber Arts Center AZ. I understand the costs of insuring and shipping my artwork to the shipping center in Arizona, are my responsibility. I further agree to permit the images or detail images and/or all or part of my artist statement to be used in the exhibition catalog, articles, ads, promotions, books, websites, blogs, CDs, current event news coverage, television productions, and/or multi-media productions for and about the shows at which the exhibit may be seen. I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, the artwork entered does not violate any copyright or trademark laws."


$0 entry fee for up to three pieces. Email questions to

*Occasionally a prospectus is updated/revised so it is suggested all entrants re-read the prospectus prior to entry to be sure they have the most current details and info