Catherine Ross

What captures my imagination? Art works made from ordinary objects ie a suit of armor constructed from military dog tags or a wall installation created from copper wire and crushed pop cans. It’s the mundane, the ordinary presented in an extraordinary way that awes me.

This body of work was inspired by a series of photographs that I took on a flight and noticed agricultural “crop circles” that were composed of the darks and lights of crops along with plowed ground to form earth designs.
 A slew of discarded CD’s and 45 records, discarded yarn plus the images of crops circles and this body of work emerged. For me, the work symbolizes the American landscape, a transformation of nature by man.

I often wonder why I make art and my conclusion is that it is an artifact of me thinking. I look at the work and know what was going on in my head at the time. It is a record of the story of life in a given moment. The memory of that flight is embedded in my brain and causes pause to the beauty of the circles along with the destruction of nature and wondering about the balance and the benefit of what we destroy, construct and save.

Crop Circle #10

Size (L x W x D inches): 25" x 10" x 2"

Materials and techniques: wood, paint, 45 record, cd's and part of a 78 record, yarn, cassette tape


Crop Circle #11

Size (L x W x D inches): 13" x 15" x 2"

Materials and techniques: wood, paint, 45 records, cd's, yarn, cassette tape


Crop Circle #16

Size (L x W x D inches): 38" x 10.5" x 2"

Materials and techniques: wood, paint, cd's and 78 records, yarn
