Membership Levels

Individual Membership
Every year

Open to any fiber artist.

✓ 10% discount in the FAC Boutique
✓ Invitations to participate in members-only events
✓ Member pricing for lectures, seminars and workshops
✓ Opportunity to submit artwork in member exhibitions
✓ Option to be juried into the FAC Boutique
Affiliate Business Members
Every year

Open to companies or businesses with an interest in supporting the FAC AZ and promoting fiber art.

✓ Benefits available to one company designated individual
✓ 10% discount in the FAC Boutique and member pricing
✓ Invitations to participate in members-only events
✓ Affiliate Business Member recognition
✓ Discounts for advertising
Student Membership
Every year

Open to anyone who is a current student from junior high to PhD; valid with Student ID and email account.

✓ Invitations to participate in members-only events
✓ Member pricing for lectures, seminars and workshops
✓ Opportunity to submit artwork in member exhibitions
✓ Option to be juried into the FAC Boutique
Patron Membership
Every year

Open to individuals with an interest in supporting the FAC and fiber arts..

✓ 10% discount in the FAC Boutique
✓ Invitations to participate in members-only events
✓ Member pricing on lectures, seminars and workshops
✓ Mentions on website, social media and news releases