February 2025

From Leilani Purvis:

I have a correction that is important: My piece that was chosen to be in the SAQA Color in Context: Blue Exhibition is titled "Splash" and it is a humpback whale, not a blue whale. This is very important information as I'm an animal enthusiast and know the difference between the 2 types of whales. My piece is named "Splash" as my artist statement explains why: While snorkeling in the Hawaiian Islands in the Spring time, there's a good chance you'll hear the whales sing to each other underwater. They also breach so they can be heard for miles around. This is their way of communicating for social bonding and territorial claims. I'd like to think that they do it just for fun, once in awhile! This whale I've created, coming out of the water and making a big splash as it comes back down, has this spirit of enjoyment.


March 2025


January 2025